Judy Miler Martinez, born July 06, 1940 and moved to heaven on July 21, 2021. Judy, my mom was an extreme believer in Jesus Christ, and she showed it with her love. She was a very sweet lady. She was very family oriented and always thought about family. My mother wanted her family to get together on holidays, just to be together. She left a legacy of love, laughter and wisdom. I will miss her singing "Blue-Bird on My Shoulder, My Mama told Me, and Daniel Boone." She left behind her daughter's Victoria Martinez, Veronica Falter and Viola Chapman; her grandchildren Tyler Faler, Aubrey Falter, Aaron Falter, Antonio Chapman, Roberto Chapman, Joe Chapman; her great grandchildren Abigail Noyes, Andrew Harris and Oliver Falter; Son in law, Calvin Falter. My mother will always be remembered and she is now dancing in the skies. We love you mom. Thank you Jesus for taking her.
I love you so much grandma, I think about you everyday. ✨💕 I find comfort knowing you’re here with me in spirit. 🙏🏼
We had your Celebration of Life for you mom on 7/21/21. It was very nice, and everyone was there. We even brought some native culture to your celebration. I love you mom with all my heart. Until we meet again, Vicki.
I love my mom so much. She is my heart. God loved her so much, He knew it was her time to come home. I will see you again my beautiful lady, mom.
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